"I suffered because of their mistakes, i regret but i am grateful because Allah still gave me an oppurtunity to reverse my condition well so that i don't end up like people whom use their condition as a surviving tool. I trusted NDr Luqman for my skin condition that his Naturopathic methods will treat me well with God's Permission."
Mr.Nurzakwan is just a single case out of hundreds of patient that is being treated in Luqman herbs Centre every month. What took our attention towards this case is that the flaring up condition which seems to not be Psoriasis but mysteriously "something else". Yes, we were right. Mr.Nurzakwan had suffered the phase of detoxification in the form of Extreme Steroid withdrawal syndrome.This condition is also known as Red skin syndrome in which the whole skin look burnt and reddish. This case had been recorded in our centre as the most chronic case in our existing records and history of practising Indian Medicine in Malaysia for 25 years.
During Psoriasis 2017 :-
Before taking treatment in Luqman Herbs Centre and Recently taken steroid injection.
1) Obtained consultation of Luqman Herbs Centre in January 2018.
2) This condition of SWS(steroid withdrawal syndrome)start to take place when the injection taken started to fade off from the bloodstream and body system.
3) Mr.Nurzakwan became too weak and fatigue and couldnt move at all without aid took a medical leave from work for 3 months to be treated by Luqman Herbs Centre.
4) Besides that, Islamic Treatment for relaxing his mind and spirituality too had been done to avoid depression.
5) Skin became thick and crusty and fall to the ground like snow fall made his movements limited due to skin cracks that happened at the same time. When the picture above was taken by the beloved angel wife, M. Nurzakwan almost gave up and lost hope that he will ever wake up again. When days goes by, his spirit and physic become weaker.

6) This is when, Naturopathic Doctor and an ancient Indian Medicine Healer NDr Luqman with me and team had went down to visit him in Sungai Besar which is almost 120 KM away from our centre to see for ourselves his condition and the diseases progress. NDr gave a specific advice fo him to stick on to and of course showered him with tonnes of motivation and faith that he will be cured. After that, we had visited him a few times in his residence before he was brought to stay in Luqman Treatment House for intensive care.

7) During out visit :-
18 AUGUST 2018 12:25 PM
The battle of treating him started around January 2018 and today its been a month plus he is back to work. After our visit to his home, we brought him to stay in our treatment home and undergo intensive healing within 14 days and later on another three months back to his house.
There are a lot misconseption that different condition of the skin indicates different type of etiology. That is totally wrong. A diseases occurs because there is a reason behind the happening. When You manage it wrongly , you induce side effects on top of the root of your disease. The origial condition of your skin is the seed of disease, and whatever come after that is just complications of the mismanagement.
When a patient is treated in Luqman Herbs Centre, we treat the complications first followed by the root of the disease. 1 Major complication of skin disease mismanagement is Red Skin Syndrome which occured in this case chronically. Psoriasis , Eczema, Allergics doesnt turn into something else. It only add on to the complications done.
Yes we can do it and it can be done. Showing up cases like this in the media end me up with irrational questions asked such as "What is the secret?" The secret is simple, whether we can do it or not. If you cant tell what is the 7 secret spices of KFC, seriously then you should stop asking us and start treating yourself. Molecular Medicine arent suppose to cure anyone and other races of the world are treated as though they are not civilised with their own medical system. Hold on right there. Ayurvedic Medicine is a COMPLETE system of medicine and THE FIRST SURGERY WAS DONE BY INDIAN MAN called Suhsrutha Samhitta. You may ask if that is the case, why you are not cured by your AyurvedIc Practitioner? Its simple, because they studied the theory from school of medicine and we the ancient practitioners had passed down the secrets of healing within our blood line for over 500 years in family.
Let the Picture Speaks for Itself
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Written by : K. A. SUDHASHREE